Have you ever stopped to think, the impact someone may have in your life?we all know, relatives, friends, partners, lovers can be life changers...
but what about those people who cross our path and changed our lives without knowing?
The girl in prep school, to whom you barely spoke in those 6 years, and yet became your personal figure to fear and loneliness, like the one you didn't wanna turn up like...
A lonely boy, who with just a look taught you life can be so much different if you learn to look at it in a different way.
The priest who gave you hope that there's something bigger than us out there...
Or like the times when everything depends on one choice, a decision that u know it's inevitable to take... and either way someone is gonna get hurt.
When either road is a huge temptation... even if you know you had the right one to start with.
How do you say NO?
It's amazing how one can sum up a bit of every kind of color, personality, way of thinking, talking. writing, and have something in common with every person in the world...
could you be that and not be insane?
Everything makes a little sense...doesn't it?
Learn how to fight? or fight my way? be safe? or save others?
What is the right thing... follow the road i've made for myself...even if I'm a so called rebel?